The Real Sarah Palin to Appear on Saturday Night Live
Saturday, October 18, 2008For a month, the laugh has been on Sarah Palin. The way certain polls look, after a few more weeks, such attention may never be focused on her again.
But if nothing else, she'll get her chance to turn the tables on Saturday Night Live - whose impressions of her have been comedic gold - this weekend.
The Alaska Governor and Republican V.P. candidate – and Tina Fey alter ego – will appear on Saturday Night Live with guest host Josh Brolin.
It is still unclear what Palin will do on the comedy show: Will she team up with Brolin’s spot-on impersonation of George W. Bush, as showcased in the actor's new film, W , or will she try to skewer Fey somehow, which has also been rumored?
If she does take on Tina, it wouldn't be the first time. Palin supposedly once went as Fey for Halloween. Chimed in husband in an interview with his wife: “She’s been impersonating Tina Fey longer than Tina Fey’s been doing Sarah Palin."
Follow the jump for Saturday Night Live's classic V.P. debate from a few weeks ago featuring Palin (Fey) and Sen. Joe Biden (Jason Sudeikis) ...
Sarah Palin vs. Joe Biden: SNL V.P. Debate