Victoria Dresses Freaky in the Bedroom

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Who knew Victoria Beckham was vain? Never would have guessed it. While she may look fantastic for the outside world (though that's debatable), she's far from hot in the bedroom with David. To keep herself looking presentable, Victoria says, "I put really thick foot lotion on with socks before I go to sleep. I also use thick hand cream with gloves at the same time."

Right, we get it. Thick.

"David thinks I'm a loony," she says, "because I get into bed with gloves and socks on." She also spends an inordinate amount of time on her freaky eyebrows, brushing and plucking and who the hell knows what else? Why would you call that loony?

I've said it before and I'll say it again...there's not a day that goes by when I'm not thankful to be a man. Though I DID foray into womanhood for one of my birthday dares. Warning: NSFW.


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