Kim Kardashian: Proud Her sister's Nudity

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kim Kardashian is an expert on naked photos and sex tapes.

So who better to critique the recent Khloe Kardashian PETA ad than her often-nude sister?

In a recent blog entry, Reggie Bush's girlfriend rails against those that have accused Khloe's bare body of being airbrushed for the campaign:

I am so proud of Khloe for following her passion for animals. Some bloggers are being harsh about her PETA ad, claiming her photo was heavily airbrushed... But photographer and good friend Troy Jensen, who shot the ad, was quick to quell the rumors saying...

"I really did NOT do any body shaping on [Khloe]. I didn’t do computer sculpting or liposuction on it at all. She has very smooth skin. She’s also the wild child of the group so I wanted wild hair - it’s a beautiful shot."

PETA Lover

Khloe Kardashian hates fur, clothing and a lack of publicity. [Photo Credit: Splash News]

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