Joaquin Phoenix drops F-Bombs, Attacks Heckling Fan; is Escorted Out of His Own Rap Concert
Friday, March 13, 2009Usher is a fan of saying, "I want to make love in this club." It's an uplifting and, at times, sexy message worth spreading to night spots everywhere.
Joaquin Phoenix's variation of that would be something along the lines of "I am going to f--king kick your a-- in this club, you f--king b----!"
A few weeks after his amazing interview on The Late Show, the odd actor-turned-rapper jumped off stage to attack a heckler at a performance in Miami.
The star took the stage at Fontainebleau around 2 a.m. with the unkempt beard he has been rocking of late. Joaquin Phoenix began rapping and nodding his head to a beat provided by the DJ when a man in the audience began mocking him.
That's when Joaquin abruptly lost his cool, calling out the man and cursing. "We have a f--king b---- in the audience," he said, continuing to bob his head. "I've got a million dollars in the bank. What have you got, b----?"
He dove into the audience and attempted to get in the face of his heckler, but security swarmed, restrained and eventually dragged him from the club.
All the while, his brother-in-law Casey Affleck - filming a documentary on Phoenix's life, possibly as part of an elaborate hoax - continued rolling tape.
Joaquin Phoenix Loses $h!t at Club