Heidi Montag: Pregnant!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Hills' Heidi Montag apparently Twatted about an hour ago that she is pregnant. You can see this news for yourself in the screen-cap below.

Now, this could just be:

  1. A fake Heidi Montag Twitter page (with 136,271 idiots following it).
  2. The handiwork of hackers (this actually happened to her site awhile back regarding the Lauren Conrad sex tape fiasco).
  3. A surprisingly well-orchestrated April Fool's gag.

Otherwise... well, Spencer Pratt is procreating. A frightening thought ...

Heidi Montag Twitter Page

Is Heidi Montag really knocked up with the evil spawn of Spencer Pratt? And did she really just announce it via Twitter? What is the world coming to ...

We're just surprised that she didn't give props to God ... oh, wait, she Twatted about Him prior to the big news, at least. He should really get a Twitter page.

In other news, duck-lipped bimbo is still making music.

Montag was making the rounds promoting her newest single, entitled "Look How I'm Doin," on Ryan Seacrest's KIIS-FM radio show this morning.

She's bringing out the big guns for this one, too - not just her loser boyfriend / fiance / husband / maybe baby-daddy Spencer Pratt. The song was written by pro Cathy Dennis, who penned Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" and Britney Spears' "Toxic."

Follow the jump to listen to Heidi's crappy song ...

Heidi Montag: Look How I'm Doin'


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