Jackson's Killers Named

Monday, July 13, 2009

THE GRIEVING sister of tragic idol Michael Jackson has sensationally named the superstar’s killers.Heartbroken La Toya Jackson says she has revealed the names of those responsible to friends, family and police.

Tearful La Toya has also told friends she will fight for the truth until justice is done.The star spoke out after it emerged last week that detectives believe Michael’s death was murder and are pursuing a homicide inquiry.

La Toya, 53, spoke publicly for the first time about losing Michael, whose death last month has been shrouded in mystery and suspicion.

And she has promised to go public with the names of those in the frame unless the police get there first.

La Toya, who saw Michael just three weeks before his death, told friends: “There are certain parties who I know were a bad influence on him. They drove him to his death bed. They didn’t care about him.

“I have made it clear to the police who is responsible. They must ensure, for Michael’s sake, that the outcome is right.”

She then vowed: “If justice is not served in the courts I will name them myself.”

Brave La Toya has pointed the finger of blame at people she believes were hell-bent on getting their hands on Michael’s cash.

Police are now working on a list of “killers” as part of their investigation, sources have claimed.

La Toya has claimed that she and her family are sure Michael’s apparent drugs overdose and heart attack were not simply an accident.

She said: “We don’t think just one person was involved. Rather, it was a conspiracy. I feel it was all about money. He was worth more dead than alive. I won’t rest until I nail them.”

The coroner’s report into Michael’s death is due out in two weeks, but La Toya says she and her family know the details.

And she says the results will shock his millions of fans.

La Toya added: “He had many needle marks on his neck and on his arms, and more about those will emerge in the next few weeks.

“Nothing has changed my mind that this was murder and I won’t give up until I find out what killed my brother.

“Michael told me he was worried that people were out to get him. He said: ‘They’re gonna kill me for my publishing. They want my catalogues and they’re gonna kill me for these.’”

La Toya also believes millions of dollars’ worth of cash and jewellery disappeared from Jackson’s house the day he died.

She claimed that Michael usually had £1.2million in his home, but says the cash disappeared along with all his valuables just hours after his death.

She said: “So many people had been through that house before I got there. Someone went in there and did a good job. It was very strange.”

La Toya was the closest sibling to Michael and the pair had met just weeks before his death at a family bash in a Beverly Hills curry house to mark their parents’ 60th wedding anniversary.

She said: “It was a wonderful time. When he left he went to the door, and as he got into the vehicle he looked back and waved goodbye. It’s sad to think that was the last time I saw my baby brother.”

La Toya was one of the first people to arrive at Michael’s house after his death in hospital and described how there was an oxygen mask on his bed, three oxygen tanks nearby, and a stand for an intravenous drip nearby.

It has emerged that police removed two dustbin bags-full of prescription drugs from the house.

And Jacko was said to have been taking a potentially lethal cocktail of drugs, including morphine-related painkillers, anxiety drug Xanax and anti-depressants Prozac and Zoloft.

It emerged yesterday that Jacko also targeted dentists as well as doctors to get his hands on drugs.


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