Crazy Britney Spears Thinks it's Christmas time

Friday, March 27, 2009

Chalk another up on the list of crazy Circus tour stories.

Jamie Spears may have daughter Britney on a tight leash (and seeing a whole team of shrinks), but it's good to see she's the same insane gal deep down.

This Tuesday night, the pop star was rockin’ out to her song "Do Sometin'" so hard in Washington D.C. that she inexplicably screamed, “Merry Christmas!”

Guess it's better than "my pu$$y is falling out."

In the simple, yet profound words of one of the girls who filmed the incident and is overheard talking post-Santa shout out: “that was weird.” It sure was.

Watch the clip below and listen close around 45 seconds ...

Merry Christmas, Y'all (in March)!


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