Report: Bristol Palin dumps Levi Johnston
Thursday, March 12, 2009The teenage pregnancy and love affair that rocked last year's presidential race is over, at least according to unreliable celebrity news magazine Star.
That publication claims Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol Palin, 18, has officially ditched her white trash baby daddy, Levi Johnston, 19.
Levi's sister, Mercede Johnston - who is also referred to as Mercedes Johnston by some publications, and was the girl mistaken for Bristol in that classic batch of girl-on-girl and gun pics surfacing last summer - is Star's supposed source.
She says Levi's life in in Wasilla, Alaska, is far from pretty.
"Bristol's just crazy. That's the nicest way I can put it," Mercede said.
Bristol reportedly broke up with Levi Johnston more than a month ago, and is not attending school or letting her baby daddy see their young son.
WHITE TRASH: Levi Johnston has his last name tramp stamped on his arm. If she hasn't already, Bristol Palin should dump his ass for this alone. [Photos: Star]
According to Mercedes, Bristol Palin has almost completely cut Levi Johnston out of her life - and that of their two-month-old son, Tripp. No word on how Tripp's uncle Trig feels about all of this. Or about being named Trig.
"Levi tries to visit Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible," his sister allegedly said. "She tells him he can't take the baby to our house because she doesn't want him around 'white trash'! She treats him so badly!"
Worse yet, Mercede says, the former V.P. candidate backs Bristol's treatment of Levi. "I used to love Sarah," Mercede says. "But I've lost respect for her."
This implies she had some to begin with, which may be the most surprising thing in this piece. We just hope Bristol's teenage fornicating days aren't over.
Do you buy this story? Will Bristol be knocked up again by 2010? Will she and Levi get married? Have you ever hunted wolves from a helicopter?